The case for professional standards in emergency services — ASN Events

The case for professional standards in emergency services (#60)

Deen Sanders 1
  1. Professional Standards Councils, Parramatta, NSW
The call for greater public confidence and trust in all areas of our work is growing but how do we respond to that challenge in a way that grows our community of professionals and builds a strong career and opportunity path for emergency services personnel.

This session focusses on what the emergency services community might be able to learn from the other professions in relation to developing excellence in professional standards and what the options for public recognition and even regulation look like. Drawing on his role as Australia's chief regulator of professions, as CEO of he Professional Standards Councils, Dr Deen Sanders, discusses:

·         the role of the professions in community and professional confidence

·         navigating the education, accreditation, certification maze

-         regulation of professions in Australia

·         personal, group and public professionalism

·         effective mechanisms to build and improve professional standards